![]() Web page of Wlodzimierz Zwonek. |
Recent conferences: 1) Complex Approximation and Bounded Holomorphic functions, Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica (CIRM), Levico-Terme, Italy, 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05 2) Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada, 2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25 3) Second Central European Complex Analysis meeting, University of Vienna, Wiedeń, Austria, 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-14 4) First Central European Complex Analysis Meeting, Uniwersytet w Wiedniu, Wiedeń, Austria, 2017-10-20 - 2017-10-21 5) Invariant metrics, Squeezing Functions and Mapping Problems, Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway, 2017-03-09 - 2017-03-12 6) Complex Analysis Conference in Honour of Gregor Herbort's 65th Birthday, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany, 2016-12-01 - 2016-12-01 7) Several complex variables and CR geometry, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics , Vienna, Austria, 2015-11-03 - 2015-11-13 8) Tenth Summer School on Potential Theory, Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 2015-08-18 - 2015-08-23 9) International Conference on Complex Geometry and Several Complex Variables, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-15 10) Information-Based Complexity, Centrum Banacha, Będlewo, Poland, 2015-04-26 - 2015-05-02 11) Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany, 2015-01-25 - 2015-01-31 12) Function theory in several complex variables in relation to modelling uncertainty, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2014-07-21 - 2014-07-25 |